Common Complications of Ovarian Cancer
When the symptoms of ovarian cancer go unnoticed, the cancer progression can cause the development of serious complications in and around the affected area. The complications that a woman acquires depends on her health and the other health problems she has. While some complications are due to the cancerous growth, others could be due to its treatment methods. Read on to know more about the various complications of ovarian cancer.
Complications from tumor growth
1. Ureter blockage
Due to the growing size of the tumor in the ovaries, excess pressure is exerted on the ureters. This activity sometimes blocks both the ureters if the cancerous growth is not addressed on time.
2. Pain in the bones
Bones surrounding the ovaries might also bear the weight of the growing tumor, leading to excruciating pain in the region. This happens when the metastasis of cancer cells has started.
3. Stomach pain and vomiting
If the cancer is in its initial stages, the pain might be felt in the pelvic region and back (backaches). In severe cases, where metastasis or progression outside of the ovaries has started, there could be general abdominal pain that is more uncomfortable than simple bloating issues. This is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
4. Anemia
An elevation in oxidative stress could be one of the many factors that result in anemia in women who have ovarian cancer. This could occur before or after cancer treatments.
Complications from treatments
1. Hernia
When the removal of cancer tissues and affected tissues results in a depression in the muscles surrounding the ovaries, it can make the patient vulnerable to developing mild to severe hernias. This is where the tissues grow through the opening and exert pressure on the nearby organs.
2. Kidney failure
In some rare cases, patients who have been undergoing chemotherapy for a long time might suffer from kidney problems. This can sometimes result in damage to the kidney tissues. The risk of kidney problems from ovarian cancer treatments depends on the spectrum of medicines used.
3. Menopause irregularities
One of the most common ovarian cancer complications that occur both in people who undergo surgical removal of cancer cells as well as those who get chemotherapy is an early onset of menopause.
4. Infertility
One other major complication that could occur due to various kinds of treatments for ovarian cancer, including radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgical removal of cancer tissues, is infertility.
A thorough understanding of ovarian cancer complications will help women lookout for red flags and get timely treatments to handle the condition effectively. Managing complications arising out of surgeries and other treatment plans can be easier when you understand them and get them diagnosed right when you start noticing minor anomalies.