7 Healthy Foods for Schizophrenia Patients
For schizophrenia, characterized by delusion, hallucinations, and an absence of facial expressions, the conventional treatment involves long-term medication and psychological therapy. However, these medications though effective, have considerable side effects.
To ensure maximum effectiveness of treatment and help manage symptoms and reduce side effects, it is important that schizophrenia patients have a nutritious diet along with conventional treatment. In some cases, it was found that improvements triggered by diets that can help schizophrenia resulted in reduced dosage. To help you, here is a list of foods that can help schizophrenia patients.
1. Fruits
Fiber-rich diets can lower the chances of schizophrenia-related health symptoms such as diabetes, obesity, and cholesterol. Several studies suggest that fiber aids in digestion and lowers bad cholesterol. Fruits such as raspberries, apples, and pears are a good source of fibers as well as vitamins, making them a pertinent part of a schizophrenia patient’s diet.
2. Vegetables
Vegetables are low in fats and do not have unnecessary calories that cause cholesterol. They are full of fibers and vitamins, including potassium, a key nutrient that keeps blood sugar under control. Ensure to include all categories of vegetables in the diet of schizophrenia patients, especially beans like lima beans, kidney beans, and others.
3. Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids, as per research, have been known not only to prevent and ease the symptoms of schizophrenia but also to slow down its progress. However, the human body is incapable of producing omega-3 fatty acids. It needs foods that it can absorb this nutrient from , particularly those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon and mackerel are a rich source, but if the patient is averse to fish, over-the-counter supplements can also be taken after consulting with the doctor.
4. Seafood
Researchers have found that there may be a relationship between low levels of zinc and schizophrenia. Oysters, crabs, and lobsters are good sources of zinc. This nutrient can also be found in beef and fortified supplements and should be taken judiciously after consulting a doctor.
5. Cod liver oil
Vitamin D helps reduce the effects of schizophrenia. This vitamin is produced naturally from exposure to the sun. In cases where the patient has vitamin D deficiency, cod liver oil supplements can be taken on the doctor’s advice. Similarly, one can include fish like salmon and swordfish in their diet.
6. Non-dairy yogurt
Bad gut bacteria aggravates symptoms of schizophrenia. Prebiotics present in fruits and vegetables are helpful, but one needs to consume more probiotics. Probiotics are naturally present in kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut, making them an important part of one’s diet.
7. Low glycemic load diet
A diet with a low glycemic load might ease the symptoms of the illness. It means eliminating refined sugars such as cakes, candies, and sweetened beverages.
Other than adopting healthy and nutritional diets that can help schizophrenia patients, a stable home environment and excellent psychological support can help bring a positive effect to people with schizophrenia and also other mental health problems.