5 Common Causes of UTI
A urinary tract infection (UTI) refers to contagion that happens in any part of one’s urinary system, such as the urethra, bladder, kidneys, and ureters. The symptoms of urinary tract infections are annoying and painful. In the initial stages, the infections may be limited to the bladder, but it gets spreads to the kidneys in serious consequences. Here are the major causes of UTI.
1. Bacteria
In most cases, the symptoms of urinary tract infections are caused by microorganisms such as bacteria. In such cases, bacteria enter the bladder and the urethra and lead to inflammation and infection. E. coli, which is a bacterium that is found in the intestines, is the primary cause of urinary tract infections in more than 90% of cases. The is the major underlying reason for what causes UTI.
2. Sex
One can also develop the symptoms of UTI from unprotected sex. This is more predominant among women. At the time of sexual intercourse, thrusting can introduce bacteria up the urethra and into the bladder. This increases the risk of a UTI. In this case, women are more prone to getting a UTI because women have a shorter urethra than men. Not just penetrative sex, one can get UTI from oral sex too.
3. Pregnancy
Women can get a UTI during pregnancy too. The urinary tract and bladder can be under pressure from a growing fetus. This causes urine to leak or trap bacteria. Further, during pregnancy, women also experience several physical or metabolic changes such as ureteral dilation. In ureteral dilation, the urethra expands and continues to expand until delivery. This encourages the growth of bacteria and sometimes leads to the symptoms of urinary tract infections.
4. Urinary Tract Blockage
People with a blockage in their urinary tracts, such as kidney stones, are susceptible to developing the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Further, various other blockages such as enlarged prostate gland among man can also cause UTI. An enlarged prostate gland usually blocks the flow of urine and this helps the bacteria to grow and lead to infections. Also, patients who have a catheter placed in their bladder for a longer period are more prone to urinary tract infections.
5. Diabetes
People with diabetes or blood sugar are more prone to UTI or urinary tract infections. Over time as diabetes grows, one may lose sensory function. As a result of this, knowing when one has to go to the bathroom gets really difficult. Because of this, urine stays in the bladder for too long. This increases the chances of getting the bladder or kidney infected.
Briefly, these are some of the major reasons for what causes UTI. If one is prone to developing any symptoms of urinary tract infections, they must consult a urologist immediately.