8 Common Causes of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, causes swollen blood vessels around the walls of the anal canal and rectum. Due to the swelling of blood vessels, the tissue above them gets stretched and creates a sac-like structure. This structure gets further strained during our bowel movement and leads to discomfort and pain.
If left untreated, hemorrhoids can cause difficulty in sitting and severe itching. There are multiple factors that can lead to hemorrhoids. Read on to know the main cause of hemorrhoids.
1. Constipation
Constipation leads to difficulty in the passage of stool and infrequent bowel movement. The symptoms include fewer than three stools a week, lumpy or hard stool, and straining to a have bowel movement.
2. Sitting for long periods on the toilet
Sitting for a long time on the toilet is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. This habit weakens pelvic muscles and protrudes blood vessels around the anus. Medical experts say that one should not spend more than 10 minutes in the toilet.
3. Chronic diarrhea
Short-term acute diarrhea is not a major concern. But, chronic loose and watery stools can cause severe issues if left untreated. It also leads to the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Hence, one should take the required steps to understand the cause of diarrhea and treat any underlying condition.
4. Obesity
Hemorrhoids are common among obese individuals. Due to excess weight and pressure, the veins and blood vessels surrounding the colon and anus swell. People who have excess weight in their abdominal regions are at higher risk for developing hemorrhoids.
5. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the prime risk factors that lead to hemorrhoids. As the baby grows within the pelvis, the blood vessels in the pelvis get pressed. As a result, the anal and rectal blood vessels get enlarged. However, pregnancy-linked hemorrhoids usually disappear after childbirth.
6. Sitting for long hours
In addition to hemorrhoids, prolonged sitting also increases the risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions. Therefore, it’s recommended that one should take frequent breaks from sitting, especially if your work requires hours of being on your chair. Stand up and stretch a bit every hour. This will energize you, improve your blood flow, and decreases your risk of developing hemorrhoids.
7. Lifting heavy objects
Heavy weight lifting strains and puts pressure on the internal organs and the veins in the anus and rectum. Lifting heavy objects, if done regularly, can cause or worsen the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
8. Age
With age, the risk of developing the symptoms of hemorrhoids increases. If you are in your 50s, then you have to be careful. The supporting tissues of the anal canal and rectum get weaker with age and can lead to the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Now that your know the main cause of hemorrhoids, always take required precautions as hemorrhoids typically get worse over time. The ailment should be treated as soon as it gets detected.